Main Street: The image those two words evoke still holds a charm for many aspiring business owners.
If you’re looking for abundant opportunities to cement close, enduring relationships with your clientele, buying a Main Street establishment may be the way to go. Running a one-or-two person shop often provides not just an income but an enjoyable round of daily interactions with friendly folks.
Choosing one’s pace of life is no small issue as the Baby Boomer generation ages. Some entrepreneurs are already yearning for a less hectic time in those years that lead up to retirement day. Older entrepreneurs may be shying away from a dog-eat-dog, hyper-competitive atmosphere. As a steward of a small shop, an older entrepreneur can focus on what he or she loves to do. That can contribute significantly to a sense of wellbeing and personal fulfillment, but without having to endure the stress of the cut-throat world of big business.
Yet one should not take a laid-back stance when it comes to buying a business. Negotiating the best deal requires a level of expertise that ensures that the full value of what you have invested in growing your small business will be returned to you in addition to an adequate return for all those years you sweated it out in the trenches.
That’s why the role a business broker plays is a crucial one for mature entrepreneurs. Tap our expertise when it’s time to move on to life’s next great adventure! Simply give us a call at (901) 878-2500 or visit us online: